Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Super Natural Books

Hey you guys my awesomeness got a letter ok... lets read it An 8th grade class comes in. Several students (boys and girls) want vampire books, but they've read most of the age-appropriate material we have here. What other supernatural books can you recommend that they might try? Name at least 3 titles, their authors, how you found them, and why you would recommend them to these students. ok. So if I had to pick three books for 8th graders to read i would pick Repossessed by Jenkins, A. M. ,City Of Bones by Clare Cassandra , and Eleventh Grade Burns: The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod by Brewer, Heather . I found these books using the library catholog, so people before you go ask miss murphy if she know were so and so is look in the library cathalog. I Recommed these books because they all hava a diffrent look at vampires. And There not your usual vampire books, you know love, romance, and everything else. these books are about people trying to kll vampires, demon that became a human and how he lived his life. And All that other stuff, So... This Is Why I Chose These Books.

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