Thursday, April 8, 2010

it's just me and me it's all up to me

Can I Do It Yes I Can. It's All Up To Me Everyone is out and i have the whole library to myself. The things my awesomeness needs to do first is go put a library is closed, I would do this even though I'm a great awesome person i can't do it all on my on. so after that i would pick up some trash for it can be clean in the library. the second thing i would do is constantly check the book drop, because that's pretty much their only way to connect with the library. after that i would check in books. because kids get charged every day, and its my responsibility to make sure they don't get charged for something their not supposed to get charged for. And in The End i would turn off all the light close all the doors and leave everything in order. :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Student

My Awesomeness knowing about a library was told to teach a new student how a library works. So... young one i will teach you the way of the librarian. So The first Thing I would teach them would be how to check out/in a book. I believe this is a main key in being a librarian. Then i would teach my student how to go find books. The thing i would leave aside is cheacking in/out playaways and videos, i would leave this for the end because there not that popular and dont get cheack out the much, so that is why i would leave this to the end.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

legalize marijuana

In November there will be a vote to see if california should legalize marijuana so i tell you to vote yes.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Brum...Brum,,,Brum... ehhhhh. boom

My Awesomeness got a new letter today. A 6th grader is having trouble finding the right book on cars. He wants a book on low riders, but the title is checked out. Name 2 other books you think he might like. Describe how you found them and why they would be something he would be happy reading.
OK so... if i had to tell a 6th grader 2 other books about cars i would pick (tatattatan) (drum roll)
i would pick Porsche and Mercedes by Stacy Lee. I found these books using the library catholog. all sport cars are in 629.222 STA in the non fiction. i think he might like it because its also a sports car.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Super Natural Books

Hey you guys my awesomeness got a letter ok... lets read it An 8th grade class comes in. Several students (boys and girls) want vampire books, but they've read most of the age-appropriate material we have here. What other supernatural books can you recommend that they might try? Name at least 3 titles, their authors, how you found them, and why you would recommend them to these students. ok. So if I had to pick three books for 8th graders to read i would pick Repossessed by Jenkins, A. M. ,City Of Bones by Clare Cassandra , and Eleventh Grade Burns: The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod by Brewer, Heather . I found these books using the library catholog, so people before you go ask miss murphy if she know were so and so is look in the library cathalog. I Recommed these books because they all hava a diffrent look at vampires. And There not your usual vampire books, you know love, romance, and everything else. these books are about people trying to kll vampires, demon that became a human and how he lived his life. And All that other stuff, So... This Is Why I Chose These Books.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

i love this website its so funny, its funny there like venn diagrams and carts and stuff and their so funny i am so going to go their agian.

Well i think this is a good website but for a surtain kind of person, I really think that its just boring im sorry i dont like it i was so bored. I dont think i will go back to the website.

Friday, January 29, 2010

hey you guys so you know how I'm so cool all these people ask me questions, so now this weeks question is a 6th grade math teacher wants to give her students some math puzzles, riddles, etc for extra credit. Where can she find some? What is the call number of math books in the nonfiction section? well my awesomeness knows the question like the back of my hand, and the answer is island 2 left at 510. so i want to thank the people how gave me my awesomeness

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Vacations gotten boring, theres nothing to do.

Monday, October 12, 2009

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